It felt a little odd to be cavorting about in a tropical paradise after just learning that all PC-Honduras volunteers were being evacuated in a few weeks due to increased violence and security concerns. It caused me to do some research on the current situation in Honduras (like this article in the Washington Post, and this one pointing the finger at Americans' lust for drugs...but that's another story). It makes me sad for the sweet and kind-hearted Honduran people, who have been so helpful and friendly to Adam, who graciously opened their homes and their lives to him, and who are now losing out on the assistance that people like him were providing. !Ay! Que tristeza.
But, life goes on. And Roatán has a way of making one forget the troubles of the world...

And now for the food section...

Highlights of the week included Adam's homemade omelettes, the resort's fresh coconut cream pie, some kind of local alcoholic beverage called "guifiti" that tasted something like turpentine, and the famous Honduran "baleadas" (our family's favorite!).

Now we'll all live happily ever after...but just not in Honduras. (Sorry, Adam...)
Dittemore Family
Christmas in Roatán, 2011
Mmmm, I missing that hammock right about now.