Friday, September 2, 2011

Coffee Mountain Getaway

The moment you've all been waiting for...

At least the moment I've been waiting for...


It's a fixer-upper, but it has a lot of character (i.e. crayon on the walls). I'm finally in my new place. First time in my life to be living alone and once I get the mosquitoes out, I will be walking around naked! And you're all welcome to visit! (Don't worry, I won't be walking around naked if I have visitors).

2 bedrooms, 1.5 (?) bathroom, huge kitchen and bar area, living room, and porch. And it's still really close to where I do all my work. The fence isn't the best, but that's not gonna stop me from getting a dog asap. I've got two offers: German shepherd/street dog currently weening and/or a Rottweiler puppy in 5-6 months. And the best part about this house: Rent is only $90/month.

As you can see, for example, the window screens could use a little re-installation. Nothing a screw driver and elbow grease can't handle. And I've already knocked the cockroach count down by 3 big ones while I'm smoking out the mosquitoes. I've also already talked to the landlord about letting me paint inside and taking it out of the rent, which sounds like a win.

So why is this so awesome?! I'll give you a reason for each room:

  • Bedroom 1: I can do whatever I want!
  • Bedroom 2: You can come visit me!
  • Kitchen: I can cook whatever food I want and eat whenever I want!
  • Bathroom: We're the last group in all of Peace Corps/Central America to have the option to live on our own. All groups in the future (sorry, new PC recruits) will have to stay with the host family for the duration of their service (but you guys can visit me, too). No walking around naked for you guys.
  • Living room: You can come visit and we can use it (with clothes on)!
  • Patio: I can get a dog!
If all goes well, I will be living in this house longer than any other place of residence since I graduated HS. Crazy to think about, and who knows, maybe I'll keep up the pattern and change houses at the end of one year. But for now, it's such a relief to unpack my things in my own house after several weeks of up-and-down house hunting. God is good!

P.S. I live 1 block from the bus stop, so come on over!


  1. This is incredible!!! Ok, I may have to make plans to come visit you next summer, or spring. Whichever is better.

    Have fun being naked and eating whatever food you want (separately OR at the same time!).

    P.S. Get the German Shepard!!!

  2. Just be sure not to COOK naked in your new kitchen :-) Enjoy your new digs!

  3. Congrats Adam! I'm excited about the extra room. And the yard. We don't have many of those in La Paz. Glad to see you found something nice. Now for the pleasure/pain for furnishing it...bueno suerte! See you soon.

    P.S. I'd get the Rotti : )
