Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ode to Electroducha

God bless electroduchas and God bless Brazil for making them.

'Tis true, absence makes the heart grow fonder
I set my eyes on your exposed cable
As I stand here in the warmth and ponder
If the circuit and wire are stable
Suicide shower, short bursts of power
Dangerous you may be, I will not leave
Your heated copper, my only escape
From the cold and rainy nights that devour
You are my companion, my sole reprieve
My friend, my mate, I will never forsake

What's for Breakfast?
Here I've included the latest from our kitchen in continuance with our new food segment. Allow me to share why food is so important to talk about. After spending 6 months eating whatever my host family put in front of me, this is one way of expressing my freedom, and also my interests. Many people here continually ask me about the food I eat. It's hard to describe the variety we Americans are so accustomed to - very different from your standard fried chicken, soup, beans and tortillas. The only other white person in my town is from Switzerland and he tends to eat a lot of pasta. Stereotype: set. All white people eat pasta. Which is true, but not all the time. The Hondurans have become experts at making nearly anything out of corn (OK, maybe we helped them with the corn-syrup Coca-Cola proudly supplied from American corn subsidies). However, I tend to think we Americans are more flour-based.

Look at those layers!
So what's for breakfast, you ask? 

Buttermilk scones. A flour product that's difficult to explain to Hondurans because there really are no equivalents. It's like a biscuit! (Oh wait, those don't exist either). The best I have been able to come up with is it's between pan dulce (which either refers to simple cake or hard sugar cookies) and normal bread. Not sure if that gets the point across. Maybe I'll share some eventually, but right now they're just too delicious to be giving away!

And Whiskey?
Yeah, I had myself some Jack Daniel's last night... Oh! You mean  the puppy! I'm going to have a section devoted to Whiskey, you know, so when he's older we can look back and cherish the fond memories we're building together now. Don't worry, I won't start writing first-person stories about Whiskey every week. Just so you guys can keep up with the whole family. I'm trying to get a video of him chasing the chickens, cuz it's pretty funny.


  1. I'm even more convinced you should have named him Dieter O'Toole.

  2. Such a cute puppy! And those scones look delicious too!

    The poem was also nice. I'm sure your elctroducha was very honored by it.

  3. with all this awesome food on your blog, and the adorable puppy...I may be taking you up on your offer to visit and experience coffee season!
